Thursday, December 17, 2015

Due Wednesday, January 6

  • Do the investigation but start with step 6. 
  • Read the following paragraph
  • Skip Example A but read Example B, skip Example C
section 8.3 problems
  • 1
  • 2 - New directions - determine the equation to make the graph. Then graph using your calculator to verify that you did it correctly.
  • 3 - All equations must be based off of y=abs(x+3). The transformations are accomplished by including negative signs at the appropriate places.
  • 5 - the descriptions must include amount of shift left/right, up/down, and flip in which direction
  • 8
  • 10a
  • 11 - read this carefully. The math is not difficult, however understanding the question and idea is.
To be completed if you finish everything else before the end of class.
section 8.2 additional practice problems
  • 3 - the descriptions must include amount of shift left/right, up/down
  • 4 - write the equation, graph to verify. 
Due Tuesday, January 5
This is your introduction to Transformations of Parent Functions, a really fun topic, once you get the hang of it.

DO THE INVESTIGATION!!! The investigations are often easy to skim or skip but DO NOT THAT THIS TIME! THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT! The teacher's edition has answers if you get stuck. This topic is amazing with graphing calculators. You can enter an equation, see the graph, do it again, see the pattern, and learn the rule in a few minutes. Most of us learned this with pencil and paper, imagine doing that!

section 8.2 problems
  • 1 (the answer to 1d is an equation, not a number: substitute then simplify)
    • New instructions: what is the equation for the graph. 
    • Use your graphing calculator to graph the equation to verify that you are correct. Set the Window to Zoom Standard.
      • Obviously I can not check that you graphed the equation but please do. This is the connection between equation and graph. You ABSOLUTELY need to 'see' these things to do them, so graph them to see them.
  • 4 (shift left, right, up, down, and how much: for example, the parent function is shifted 3 units left and 4 units down)
  • 5
  • 7
To be completed if you finish everything before the end of class:
  • 2 (same as problem 3 above)

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Due Tuesday 11/3
section 6.7 problems
  • 9 - same as before, multiple ratios then the average
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12 - unit conversion
  • 14 - make sure the units work

Monday, October 26, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Due Monday 10/26
section 6.1-6.5 review 2
Due Thursday 10/22
section 6.5 additional practice problems 2, 3, 4, 5
section 8.3 dividing exponents problems 1-15

I decided to post answers to today's assignment. Please check your answers, attempt to understand any errors. I would like to spend the majority of tomorrow's class working problems and very little time going over tonights assignment.